You’re an aspiring entrepreneur waiting to start your own business or side hustle, but you’re scared of disappointments, not having enough resources, failing, going broke, living uncomfortably?
If this sounds even remotely like your story, this article is for you.

Here are 10 reasons why you should start your own small business in 2021:
It’s All In The Perspective
When we can shift our perspective about important things like money and time – we can end up having more of both!
When it comes to time, it truly is a matter of how we manage it and what we are willing to do with it. Whether it’s spending less time on social media, or in front of the TV, the truth is that you can free some of your day (or night) and devote it to what you want to accomplish. Apply the high level of importance and urgency to it and your schedule will “miraculously” clear.
Finding the time and money is always a matter of how badly you want it. As far as money to start your own business, many people think they will never have “enough” cash or funding.
If you don’t have enough capital to launch your business the way you planned, change your plan – you can’t always control what you have, but you can control what you do with what you have.
Dave Lavinsky, the Growthink founder, said that being an entrepreneur is the art and science of accomplishing more with less – less time, less money, less staff, etc., – and we couldn’t agree more.
The Courage Will Find You
Every entrepreneur, and every person taking a risk, is scared to a degree.
The main point is: you can let your fears hold you back – or utilize those fears as fuel to do whatever it takes to succeed. You have a choice, and the courage will find you once you choose to start taking steps; the more you show up regardless of your fears, the more you keep doing it anyway, the more courage and contentment you will feel. And before you know it, your fears will give room to achievements!
Confidence And Self-Reliance
You will learn to be independent in your thinking and trust your instinct.
Starting a business, whether on your own or with a business partner, requires you to think on your feet a lot and make decisions without a boss or dedicated teams.
You will learn to trust your instinct, become more decisive and confident – an empowering feeling knowing that you get to create rather than compromise or follow orders that may not be aligned with your vision or mission. From the beginning, every decision you make is dependent on you because no one else knows your dream and your business like you do.
We live in a technologically advanced era, and it’s never been easier to connect with others – personally and professionally. It’s a digital world – so tap into that to reach as many people and business opportunities as you wish.
Having a killer website, amazing content, and utilizing various social media platforms means you can reach almost anyone, with smart digital marketing to support your endeavors to successfully offer your product or service.
Of course, you’ll have to start somewhere, be feasible, and build a foundation – a great network is more like a pyramid with a wide base, and quality of what you offer is always a key.
You already have the skills, or, you can get them. It’s that simple.
Take a course; read books; watch tutorials; talk to people; volunteer to work for free in return for the opportunity to learn; get a part-time job to gain more experience and learn relevant things. Be the boss with the skillset you have and in the area that you’re good at, and hire someone to help you in the area that you’re weak in.
Skills and knowledge can be earned, but you have to start today.
It’s Never Too Late
Some of the most successful businesses got there by refining earlier ideas and innovations.
You’re only too late if you’re not willing to be creative, or be different, and keep getting better. And, again, you are better off starting sooner rather than later!
The Risk Is Worth Taking
A risk you take now is a risk you can recover from; you can overcome almost any setback, misstep, or failure – and come out even stronger, smarter and better prepared to succeed in the future.
You can get your money back, but you can never get your time back, so follow your dream and don’t waste any more time
But if you never try, all you’ll have are regrets and wondering what might have happened if you had only taken those steps.
If you’re worried about being out of your comfort zone, you’ll never be more than you already are. Stretch yourself – you’ll be surprised by how many comfort zones you can turn into positive experiences.
There’s No Such Thing As Perfect
If the reason you’re not pulling the startup trigger is because you’re stuck in an endless quest for “refinement” – the sooner you realize there is no “perfection” the sooner you can start taking steps towards realizing your dream.
Whether you’re insecure, fear criticism, rejection, or not succeeding, the best you can do is do your best, and stay with it. Keep an open mind, and if you see that a little more work will result in an evidently better outcome, go for it; make improvements based on the feedback you get from the only people whose opinions really matter: your customers or clients.
However, if needing to keep “refining” only means you’re stuck in that loop and it wouldn’t make a difference to your venture, then learn to let it go.
It Gets Easier
Long journeys may be hard, but individual steps are easier. While you may not be able to accomplish all your goals overnight, you can accomplish one thing at the time, one step toward your big goal.
If you think about the whole journey of opening a business and all that will be required, you may never start. Instead, set a goal for doing just one thing at the beginning of 2021 that will help get you there, and then keep building on it.
Take one step at a time, such as working on your business plan, consulting with a mentor, looking at possible locations, or talking to a potential supplier, and then another, and then another – and before you know it you’ll be living your dream and your purpose.
The Journey May Be Shorter Than You Think
Yes, there’s a complexity involved in the administrative and legal aspects of starting a business, and, depending on what you are looking to do – you could actually start a business in just a few hours!
From numerous online support sources to many talented self-starters out there, you’re not on your own; there are so many people who are more than happy to share with you their experiences, advice, and recommendations. And, you can set so many elements of you business online.
There is a whole world out there, and so many resources, waiting for you to discover to learn from and grow.
Also, so many businesses nowadays are conducted from the comforts of our homes. You may be able to sell your services, even products, by simply setting up an online business, and starting from there.
If you want to be free to create your own life; for sky to be the limit not just financially but also, and more importantly, personally – starting your own business is the best way, and now is the time!
To support you in your entrepreneurial and business ventures, ensure you have a website that is built well, filled with good content, SEO and mobile friendly, and that you build a strong social media presence.
At RODA marketing, our team of seasoned consultants work together with you to design and build a sophisticated website equipped with Internet Marketing strategies to help you grow your business.
When you choose RODA marketing, you are choosing our passion, experience, and proficiency – watch us deliver value and results to your business.
Check out our portfolio and contact us to see how together we can take your business to higher levels of success with digital marketing, web design, web development, and SEO in Lancaster, PA and nationwide: 888.653.0331.