RODA marketing

The Lean Startup Cliff Notes Summary


One Of Our Favorite Books … “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries … A Summary By Us – For You.


RODA marketing The Lean Startup Cliff Notes


Below you will find an initial glimpse from our PDF.

To receive a full version of our The Lean Startup summary cliff notes leave your first and last name and email address below – enjoy!



RODA marketing will people buy our product

Then, can we turn that into a sustainable business?

Turn ideas in to products > measure customer response > pivot or persevere

  • Use milestones to measure progress even during extreme uncertainty


We don’t really know who the customer is or what product should be because it’s always changing

OUR JOB IS TO ANSWER THESE 2 QUESTIONS in as lean manner as possible


Types of Engine of Growth to please businesses AND/OR every day users:

* New versions

* New features

* New marketing campaigns

* New lead campaigns


All of the above items attempt to prove the Engine of Growth is sustainable

Build > Measure > Learn  = Feedback Loop

Execute quickly with disruptive innovation – not long drawn out plans based on assumptions

RODA marketing

To receive a full version of our The Lean Startup summary cliff notes leave your first and last name and email address below – enjoy!


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