RODA marketing

4 Reasons You Must Include SEO and Social Media Into Your Plan For 2014

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We originally created this PDF to share with all of our SEO clients.  It explains why focusing only on “keywords” and Search Engine “rankings” is no longer going to keep companies at the top of their game as industry leaders.

Thanks to new, heavily factored indicators like social signals from the major Social Networks, the game has changed from keyword focused campaigns to creative content driven campaigns.

RODA marketing 4 reasons why

Below you will find Chapter 1 from our PDF.

To receive a full version of all 4 Chapters leave your first and last name and email address below – enjoy!

RODA marketing being social

“There’s more to it than just being social – it requires honesty and a unique way of doing things to stand out.”

People who are liked tend to make friends and friendly people tend to earn business quicker than others. Thanks to social media, your business can now take a proactive approach to being liked, so you can be the first to earn someone’s trust and business.

Social Media and “being social” is NOT about pushing your products and services down people’s throats in an attempt to generate sales and prove ROI. Social Media IS about creating a strong presence where people already gather (online and inside social media) and going about it with honesty and creativity as the driving forces.

Did we mention you also need to create valuable content that people will share for you, without you even having to ask? That’s the point of being social in today’s competitive online space – to engage with current and future customers in a value driven manner that benefits them. Then, when the time comes for a sale, you’ll be on top of their mind and first considered because of the real relationship you already have already established.


1. If your business lacks a strong social media strategy and presence – why is that? What or who is standing in the way?

2. Did you know that in the summer of 2013 Facebook surpassed the 1 Billion active monthly users milestone? That’s a lot of potential customers all hanging out in the same place. Facebook is just one of the platforms; opportunity is everywhere.

3. Do you have an extra $50k to invest in a full-time social media superstar each year? You won’t need it! We take care of all of it.


RODA marketing SEO vs Social Media


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