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6 Ways to Gain Pinterest Followers

Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, discover new interests by posting (known as ‘pinning’) images or videos to their own or others’ boards (i.e. group boards) and browsing what other users have pinned.

Because Pinterest focuses on images, it’s a great social platform for businesses that sell products.  From clothing, make-up, and shoes to food, candy, and flowers – the possibilities are ever expanding.

With a user base of over 70 million, it’s a great place for business owners, bloggers, and consultants alike.  If you’re trying to gain followers, a great place to start is by posting great, interesting images – and we are sure you already know that.

Here are a few more ways to grow your follower base.


  1. Verify Pinterest Profile

When you sign up with Pinterest as a business page, you first want to verify your account.  Verifying your account shows fellow Pinners that you are a trusted brand, and not a knock off.

A verified account reveals a check mark in your profile.  This check mark is easily visible on the Pinterest app, and in the search area.

Once your account is verified, you also have access to Pinterest Analytics.  Analytics give you a breakdown of what people like on your profile, and what they save from your website.  You will also gain insight into your audience, so you can learn what your customers really like.


  1. Use Rich Pins

Rich Pins are Pins that include extra information on the Pin itself.  They catch a Pinners attention as they are scrolling through Pinterest.  More attention grabbing Pins, containing more information at first glance, will translate to more followers.

When a new Pinner views the information, they are learning the price of the Pin, and will begin to follow you because your Pins are more relevant to them at first glance.

There are Rich pins for products, recipes, movies, articles, and places.  Product pins show real time pricing, and where to buy.  Pinners will get notification of when product Pins drop in price.


  1. Make your Website Pinterest Friendly

Include the Pin It button anywhere a product on your site can be Pinned.  By making your website Pinterest friendly, you allow shoppers who are already members of the Pinterest community to easily Pin and share their favorite items.

Also include a Pinterest ‘Follow Us’ button.  This makes customers aware that you have a Pinterest page, and it is easily accessible to them.


  1. Be Active!

Being active on Pinterest is one of the most basic ways to gain followers.  Re-pinning, Liking, and Commenting are sure ways to gain attention from others on Pinterest.

One of the best ways to get followers is by following others.  Following other Pinners makes them aware that you are out there.  Whether commenting, liking, re-pinning, or following, make sure the content you are searching out is relevant to your business.


  1. Become Familiar with the ‘Popular’ section

Become active in the Pinterest community.  The Popular section shows what’s trending on Pinterest.  It’s the perfect place to Pin, Like, and Comment on Pins that are there.  Many people go to the popular section to see what’s trending.  The more active you are in that area, the more exposure you will have to others on Pinterest.


  1. Join Group Boards 

A Group Board is similar to a regular Pinterest board; the difference is that other people are allowed to pin to this board.  Whether you create the board and invite others to pin, or a board is already created and you are invited to pin, the shared board will show up on your profile and the profile of anyone else who is a part of that group.

The more people in the group, the more your activity in there will be visible to others.  If you are the creator of the group, make sure to monitor that others are Pinning appropriately to the message of the group.  In the same sense, if you are a part of another’s group, only Pin what is relevant to the subject.

What have you done to gain followers? Let us know what’s worked and what hasn’t for you.




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